Why Not Take This Management Quiz Now

Writen by Tim Connor

Why not give the following quiz to your management staff. It will give you an idea of their understanding and application of some of the critical issues, concepts and techniques that have an impact on their performance and success as managers. If you feel your team could benefit from an in-depth custom in-house management training program, please give me a call. I will be happy to discuss a custom curriculum for your staff with you.

Other quizzes are also available on the following topics: Customer Service, Relationships, Sales, Happiness, Success, Motivation

See the end of this quiz for the answers

1. You should always praise in________________________________________________________

2. Listening is the most important management skill: True/False.

3. Most managers spend too little time planning. True/False.

4. You should always discipline in_____________________________________________________

5. Every employee can benefit from additional training. True/False.

6. All corporate culture flows_________________________________________________________

7. Morale is directly related to_________________________________________________________

8. Employee perceptions become______________________________________________________

9. One of the biggest weaknesses of most managers is______________________________________

10. Organization direction is one of the biggest employee___________________________________

11. Money and/or benefits is the number one issue with most employees. True/False.

12. Most employees feel they receive adequate recognition. True/False.

13. When you hire under pressure you always____________________________________________

14. One of the major responsibilities of a manager is to motivate their employees. True/False.

15. One of the biggest employee concerns is management___________________________________

16. Turnover is the direct result of_____________________________________________________

17. The best employees come in early and stay late. True/False.

18. Disagreement from an employee is a: positive/negative trait.

19. You can't motivate anyone. True/False.

20. Managers do not contribute to employee performance. True/False.

21. Most employees don't care about the organization's success. True / False.

22. Always inspect what you__________________________________________________________

23. You should solicit employee feedback on all issues. True/False.

24. You get the behavior you_________________________________________________________

25. Good managers hire weaker candidates. True/False.

26. You should only seek opinions that reinforce your opinions. True/ False.

27. Keeping a poor employee too long__________________________________________________

28. The purpose of negative feedback is to_______________________________________________

29. You should always hire attitudes rather than__________________________________________

30. You should delegate ____________________ and _____________________________________

31. Most managers are good interviewers. True/False.

32. Organizational goals should be communicated to employees: True/False

33. A vision statement is_____________________________________________________________

34. A mission statement is____________________________________________________________

35. Familiarity breeds contempt. True/False. 36. Employees like to feel in on things because___________________________________________

37. You should always consult employees when you make decisions that impact them. True/False.

38. You can manage your organization from behind your desk. True/False.

39. Always delegate activities rather than results. True/False.

40. Rules and policies should be flexible. True/False.

41. By not clearly communicating expectations to an employee you___________________________

42. It is important to really know your people. True/False.

43. A lack of empowered employees contributes to________________________________________

44. Having an open door policy always encourages employees to share issues. True/False.

45. Employees generally want more training. True/False.

46. Politics in an organization is inevitable. True/False.

47. It is impossible to eliminate rumor and hearsay. True/False.

48. Arrogance and ignorance are two of the biggest reasons why organizations fail. True/False.

49. As a manager you should always give the credit and take the_____________________________

50. When you promote your best employee you will always end up with a good manager.


Correct Answers: Management Quiz

Keep in mind that the answers to several of the questions are subjective. In many cases there is no right or wrong answer only - a best or better answer. This quiz is not designed to give you an in-depth explanation for each answer but rather to stimulate your thinking. With this in mind let's take a look at what I believe - are some of the vital issues that impact management performance and ultimate organization success.

1. Public.
2. True.
3. True.
4. Private.
5. True.
6. Top-down.
7. Corporate culture, communication patterns, stress levels, management style.
8. Reality.
9. Failure to give timely positive and negative feedback.
10. Issues, concerns, frustrations, needs.
11. False.
12. False.
13. Hire beneath your standards.
14. False.
15. Direction.
16. See answer No. 7 - plus poor hiring, poor training, poor compensation plans.
17. False.
18. Can be both and it depends.
19. True.
20. False.
21. False.
22. Expect.
23. True.
24. Reward.
25. False.
26. False.
27. Is a sign of management weakness, sends the wrong message to other employees.
28. Change or modify behavior.
29. Skills.
30. Responsibility and authority.
31. False.
32. True.
33. A statement of direction, purpose, meaning.
34. Who you are, who your customers are, how you serve them, the business you are in.
35. False.
36. It makes them feel important, it builds trust and respect, they want to feel they belong to something bigger than themselves.
37. True.
38. False.
39. False.
40. True.
41. Improve their performance.
42. True.
43. Employee apathy, poor performance, lack of trust, lack of respect.
44. False.
45. True.
46. True.
47. True.
48. True.
49. Blame or responsibility.
50. False.


50 correct answers……….You should be giving the test.
45-50 correct answers……….You understand the basics of effective management
40-45 correct answers……….There is hope for you yet.
35-40 correct answers………..With luck, you may make it as a manager.
30-35 correct answers………..You have a lot to learn. Better get started.
30 or less correct answers……You need help big-time – call me today.

2004, Tim Connor, Management Quiz

Tim Connor, CSP is an internationally renowned sales, relationship, management and leadership speaker, trainer and best selling author. Since 1981 he has given over 3500 presentations in 21 countries on a variety of sales, management and relationship topics. He is the best selling author of over 60 books including; He can be reached at tim@timconnor.com, 704-895-1230 or visit his website at http://www.timconnor.com.


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