Writen by Lydia Quinn

New customers are as important for the restaurant business as the regular ones. In fact it is not possible for any business to prosper without new customers. A steady flow of new customers is needed to balance the old customers that are no longer coming to your restaurant for some or other reasons such as relocating or changing dining habits. Below is a list of some powerful strategies for attracting new customers to your restaurant.

- Market Your Restaurant in Public Places

A fool proof way to entice new customers is to market your restaurant in public places such as parks, shopping centers, supermarkets, etc, and offer them to have a taste of some of your most delicious food. When they stop for that, don't forget to give out your restaurant menu, coupon or a business card so that they'll know exactly where they can go in order to taste more of your tasty food.

- Cross Market Your Restaurant

Cross marketing your restaurant with various nearby hotels, motels, holiday, inns or tour bus is another great idea to bring potential customers. For example, you could list your restaurant in the "nearby attraction list" at the hotels or you could advertise in their lobbies.

- Referral System

Your existing customers can bring a lot of business for you. But for that you should encourage them by offering some kind of attraction to do so. For example, you could offer 10% off for the customer who refers a new customer.

- Offer Specials Deals

After the struggle of whole day many people feel it unpleasant to go back home and cook for themselves. And it's pretty fair because everyone wants to relax at the end of the day. So, it's a good idea to offer late hour special deals to attract those potential customers. You may offer cocktails, finger foods, chicken dishes, chips, and various other foods at special discounted prices for such clients.

- Offer Gift Certificates

You can offer gift certificate to your regular customers in flexible prices. Most of them will happily purchase it for their close ones who can try your restaurant completely risk-free since they usually don't have to pay anything for the experience.

- Sponsor Various Events

You could sponsor various events such as concert, exhibition or sporting event. This is a great way to get publicity and ultimately new business.

- Enter Contests

We all love freebies and contests. So, why not use this as a way to attract new customers to your restaurant. You could run several contests offering free gift certificate or free meals.

- Customer Services

Last but not the least; customer service is an incredible way to attract new customers to your restaurant. You can make many those one time visitors to your regular clients by the power of customer services. Everyone likes a pleasant place and friendly people to deal with and if you're offering these two things along with quality food, your customers cannot go anywhere else!

Lydia Quinn writes for R & I Solutions, makers of Cost Genie restaurant costing software. Get a free demo at: http://www.costgenie.com


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